On Tue April 14 2009 10:56:04 am felixsch wrote:
> Just FYI: this jettison bug was fixed in the latest jettison 1.1-SNAPSHOT
> version--everything works for me now.

Cool.  Thanks for verifying that.   I'm working with Dejan to get a couple 
fixes in place and a 1.1 out later this week for use with 2.2.1.  Hopefully 
he'll get that done so 2.2.1 can work better "out of the box".


> Regards,
> Felix
> felixsch wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > thank you both for your replies.
> >
> > Dan, I followed your suggestion, turns out this is a jettison bug. I
> > could reproduce it just using a JAXBContext and a jettison
> > MappedXMLStreamWriter.
> >
> > Looks like this bug was already reported at jettison for a few month ago
> > (http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JETTISON-48), but the fix wasn't merged
> > in the jettison source. I tried the newest snapshot version, didn't work
> > either.
> > I added a comment to the bug.
> >
> > I guess for now I'll have to use the @XmlList annotation.
> >
> > Felix
> >
> > dkulp wrote:
> >> This SOUNDS like a bug in jettison.   If you could create a small sample
> >> that
> >> just uses the Jettison stream and a JAXBContext that shows this and post
> >> that
> >> into the jettison bugs:
> >> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JETTISON
> >> that would be best.
> >>
> >> Dan

Daniel Kulp

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