Personally, I don't like such discussions as I find them being of little use and distracting for people working on the implementation.
Users are not blind and can easily figure out what implementation they'd like 
to work with - let them do a bit of home work.

I'd like to remind once again : please keep discussing implementation specific features of concrete JAXRS implementations on the corresponding user lists - I don't think it's a good etiquette to do otherwise

thanks, Sergey

----- Original Message ----- From: "James Strachan" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: What project is the more advanced ?

This might help, it describes the extensions to JAX-RS supported in Jersey...

2009/4/14 Raphael F. <>:
Hello everyone.

I wonder what is the project the more advanced between Apache CXF &
Sun Jersey concerning the implementation of JSR 311: JAX-RS ?

Does one of them is more advanced than the other one ? If yes, which one ?

Thanks by advance

Raphaël F.

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