On Sat April 18 2009 12:10:42 pm Bruce Edge wrote:
> Hi,
> Regarding the greeting wsdl in the examples, Apache CXF 2.0 User's Guide -
> Developing a
> Consumer<http://cwiki.apache.org/CXF20DOC/developing-a-consumer.html#Develo
>pingaConsumer-Example1> is this wsdl considered the "right" style and
> convention for cxf? I ask because it does some things I've not seen before.
> Why does it wrap strings in complex sequence elements?
> Is it a matter of consistency where everything is wrapped in this fashion?
> Was this an artifact of the WSDL creation tool?

This is generally the "standard" way of doing doc/literal and is the most 
interopable and is the most WSI-BasicProfile compliant.    For that reason, 
it's also how specs like jax-ws dictate how "java2wsdl" should perform.

Daniel Kulp

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