Now i have got the same situation again - after switching to version 2.2.3.
Now StaxOutInterceptor.getXMLOutputFactory always returns NULL - so i have no way to specify this flag anymore.

How can i setup XMLStreamWriter to


Sergey Pulyaev wrote:
I have found the solution:
in one of interceptors before the WrappedOutInterceptor
i set "auto empty elements" property of xml writer to false
        XMLOutputFactory outputFactory =
            WstxOutputFactory of = (WstxOutputFactory)outputFactory;

Sergey Pulyaev wrote:
Ok, i have switched to 2.0.9.
But now - when i use code in line 76 - i mean CachingXmlEventWriter - i
get invalid response text:
previously i get response from function with result List<Long>  like that:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="";>

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