Easiest is to just grab the raw message:


and pull the stuff off of there.   Would need to use the CXF internal names 
(defined on Message), but that's not a major issue.


On Thu October 22 2009 11:27:34 am Adrian M wrote:
> Hey All,
> I'm trying to access the MessageContext (or WebServiceContext) in an aspect
> to get access to the HTTPServletRequest for logging purposes. I would like
> to inject the context like I did for spring-ws but I have not found a way
>  to do it. Here is what I used for spring-ws:
> <beans:bean id="transportContext"
> class="org.springframework.ws.transport.context.TransportContextHolder"
> factory-method="getTransportContext" scope="request">
>  <aop:scoped-proxy/>
>  </beans:bean>
> I can't use the @Resource annotation on WebServiceContext field/method as I
> am not in the service (tried anyways with no luck). Instantiating the
> WebServiceContext (ie new WebServiceContextImpl()) doesn't work either, but
> supposedly should as this just wraps a threadlocal. I've also tried
> importing cxf-extension-jaxws.xml and wiring the bean with id
> org.apache.cxf.jaxws.context.WebServiceContextImpl with no luck (it's not
> null but doesn't hold anything) Any ideas?
> thanks

Daniel Kulp

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