On Thu October 22 2009 3:31:15 am Kent Närling wrote:
> In a CXF webservice implementation on the server, is there any way of being
> able to log/track wether the client received the response?
> eg. to only do a final commit on a transaction after the response has been
> sent in full to the client?
> I know this would never be perfect, but it should be at least theoretically
> possible to detect if the client closed the connection before sending the
> response?

Most likely, the best option is to write an interceptor that would live 
PRE_STREAM phase that would take the OutputStream and wrapper it with a new 
one that would override close() to do the commit.      Catch all the 
IOExceptions and such in the writes to rollback and such. That's probably the 
best option.   

Daniel Kulp

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