I'm using the full-bundle (cxf.jar) from the binary distribution (2.2.3 specifically). I can see org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.XXX packages inside so I suppose it's there. It means nothing though as any conflict would arise at runtime and I never access this stuff in my test app (I don't do JAX-RS). I guess you'll just have to try.

Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
Is cxf-frontend-jaxrs included in WEB-INF/lib ? If so then I believe it should work cxf-frontend-jaxrs ships with a META-INF/services/javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate extension which should be discovered and the control should be given to the CXF JAXRS implementation....

cheers, Sergey

----- Original Message ----- From: "Benson Margulies" <bimargul...@gmail.com>
To: <users@cxf.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: JBoss 5.1

Could I check one more point about the 'just use yours' option? I thought that I'd read that you are sticking with some other JAX-RS platform. Is the
CXF JAX-RS stuff in there? I use at least one CXF-specific bit of REST.

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 4:05 AM, Alessio Soldano <asold...@redhat.com> wrote:

Alexandros Karypidis wrote:

So I did a quick test with JBoss 5.1 using the Native core and JDK1.6.0_16 and CXF 2.2.3. I bundled all CXF jars in WEB-INF/lib and configured the class-loader isolation of my previous e-mail. The following jars caused
linkage errors:


After removing the above from WEB-INF/lib, my war worked in JBoss-Native, JBoss-CXF and Tomcat. Needless to say, if you don't use a JDK > 1.6.0_04,
you mileage will vary.

Perhaps the linkage errors are due to the endorse mechanism that basically
cause the jaxb libs (and some other ones) to be loaded in the bootstrap
classloader (see the libs in jboss-home/lib/endorsed).

P.S. thanks for the support here :-)

Alessio Soldano
Web Service Lead, JBoss

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