On Fri November 6 2009 9:54:33 am easternwahoo wrote:
> In JAXB, you can use the ValidationEventHandler to store up a set of
>  errors.

Cool.   That's good to know.   :-)    Thanks!


> dkulp wrote:
> > On Mon November 2 2009 11:23:57 am easternwahoo wrote:
> >> In CXF 2.2.4, can "schema validation" validate for more than one error,
> >> and
> >> return a list of validation errors in its soap fault?  It seems like it
> >> fails after the first error.
> >
> > Well, with JAXB, you MIGHT be able to do this.   I'm not really sure.
> > The
> > JAXBDataBinding allows a ValidationEventHandler to be registered.     You
> > MAY
> > be able to have the ValidationEventHandler store the problematic
> > validation
> > events in a ThreadLocal or something and then have an interceptor that
> > runs
> > later to check the ThreadLocal to see if there are events there and throw
> > an
> > exception at that point.
> >
> > Honestly, I'm not sure if that would work.   I really don't know if JAXB
> > catches the exceptions from the underlying schema validator and forwards
> > them
> > in properly or if they are just bubbled up.   I've never really looked.

Daniel Kulp

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