If you look at:
there is some information about configuring the thread pool Jetty uses.   It's 
all spring config, but the API's are pretty much the same.   Grab the Jetty 
factory stuff from the bus and dig through there a bit.

I think the default in Jetty is 25 threads.   Might be less.   I don't 


On Tue November 17 2009 10:45:02 am Kent Närling wrote:
> Hi!
> What is the easiest way of controlling the number of threads used to
> handle SOAP requests in CXF? and what is the default?
> (we are running as a standalone CXF service)
> Is it possible to control this programmatically?
> We do not use Spring so much so it would be nice to be able to
> consolidate with our other configuration files etc...
> Also, what is reasonable to have here? is it common to tune thsis?
> We have a service that internally handles requests in less than one
> millisecond (and very low CPU load), but we can still not go beyond
> 70-75 requests/second even if we use up to 40-50 parallel requests
> etc...
> It seems to peak out around 10-20 parallel, which leads me to think
> that the current limitation is the Jetty/CXF threads...
> //Kent

Daniel Kulp

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