Hi Sergey,

Sorry for the delayed response to this thread. I am currently checking the generated WADL using 2.2.5. A few things I did to make it work:

1. Update consumes from */* to text/xml as the prior ends up showing only as:

<representation mediaType="*/*"/>

2. have namespace in the XML-related annotation of each class. Have not tested yet relying on pagkage.info class yet.

One thing though, see sample below:

<representation mediaType="text/xml" element="prefix27:Route"/>

The object Route is defined above, but the 'prefix27' part is not defined anywhere else. I think the same goes for 'xs' and 'tns' prefixes, is this ok?

Also, since I had to change */* to something more specifc, wouldn't this conflict with one of the major advantages of CXF, i.e. ability to automatically handle json, xml, etc without any other changes?

Also, is it possible to configure somewhere to NOT apply the interceptors when viewing the wadl? I have my own implementation of http-auth digest and the password is being required whenever the wadl is being viewed. I was hoping it should be viewable without need of auth like wsdl.

Thanks again in advance.


Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
Hi Gabo

Hi Sergey,

Thanks too! 2.2.4 then?

Yeah, as far as the introspection of package-info.java is concerned. If you don't have many JAXB classes then simply add a namespace to @XmlRootElements....If you really need it right now then you might want to register a custom WADLGenerator by copying the code from the trunk, as a provider....

cheers, Sergey

Also, to answer your question, this is the annotation used in the package-info class:

@javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema(namespace = "http://domain.some/";,
elementFormDefault = javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)

I just took this from the samples/user's guide.


Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
Hi Gabo

I've just got it fixed. WADLgenerator will now introspect package-info.java in cases when @XmlRootElement has only a local name set and if the namespace
is available then the resulting WADL will correctly link to a generated
schema element....

thanks for raising this issue

Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

Hi Gabo

MyObject has @XmlRootElement with only a local name specified. Does
package-info.java has a namespace specified too, in addition to the local
name ?

cheers, Sergey

Gabo Manuel wrote:

Hi Sergey,

I am a bit confused. How do I supply the namespace needed? I thought the package-info.java would be enough.

Yes, for now I would be limiting the consume to just text/xml. The initial intent was to take advantage of CXF's handling between xml and json. But for now, we would be sticking to text/xml.


Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

Hi Gabo

thanks... The reason you only see the '<representation/>' for my MyObject is that there's no namespace available , so even though the <grammars/> section
the schema embedded there's no way to link to it from the
May be I should have some XML comment generated which will advise to
the schema (with no namespace) ?
You might also want to update Consumes("*/*") to require a more specific
media type.

I haven't tried it lately without the providers, but are primitives now
supported out of the box?

They are but only for text/plain. I'll add a task to wrap them in some
like <response> for xml media types

Also, is there somewhere to look to be able to use the tool that
an http-centric client-code from the wadl?

No, I haven't started working on the code gen tool yet....But it's on

cheers, Sergey

Gabo Manuel wrote:

Hi Sergey,

Sorry for the late response. I may have misrepresented the method, it should be as follows:

@SOAPBinding(use=Use.LITERAL, style=Style.RPC)
public interface MyObjectService{
    public MyObject getMyObject(
            long uniqueIDField)

    public long insertMyObject(
            MyObject myObjectInstance,
            String reason

@WebService(endpointInterface="some.domain.MyObjectService", serviceName="MyObjectService", portName="MyObjectServicePort")
public class MyObjectServiceImpl implements MyObjectService{
public MyObject getMyObject(long uniqueIDField) throws SolegyContingencyException{
        return new MyObject();
    public long insertMyObject(MyObject myObjectInstance, String
reason) throws SolegyContingencyException{
        return 1;

public class MyObject {
    private long uniqueIDField;
    public long getUniqueIDField() {
        return uniqueIDField;
    public void setUniqueIDField(long uniqueIDField) {
        this.uniqueIDField = uniqueIDField;

The wadl section i get is something as follows:

<method name="GET">
    <representation mediaType="text/xml"/>
<method name="PUT">
    <!-- Primitive type : xs:long --><representation

And yes, I did specify text/xml. I also have providers included to wrap the response in tags. I had to add the providers because at the time (2.0), primitives were not supported. I haven't tried it lately without the providers, but are primitives now supported out of the box?

Also, is there somewhere to look to be able to use the tool that
creates an http-centric client-code from the wadl?



Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

Hi Gabo

It is an 'Object' so a WSDL generator has no idea what else to say,
from <representation/>. If you add "Consumes' with some values then
get a bit more specific tag...

However, there appears to be a bug :

<response><!-- Primitive type : xs:long --><representation

or do you have Produces('text/xml') on the class itself ? Can you
send me a class sample so that I can fix it ?

cheers, Sergey


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