With JAX-WS, I think you can set a flag "header=true" in the web service interface. Like:

public void someWebMethod(@WebParam(header=true) String myHeaderParam);

The targetNamespace/name can be added to the annotation to specify these aspects.

In fact, if you start from WSDL, I'm pretty sure wsdl2java generates such an interface for you.

kenkyee wrote:
I'm trying to make the soap header of WS client requests look like this
(adding the aws parameters to the soap:header):

In the FAQ, there's a vague mention of mucking w/ the headers:
List<Header> headers = new ArrayList<Header>();
Header dummyHeader = new Header(new QName("uri:org.apache.cxf", "dummy"),
                                new JAXBDataBinding(String.class));
context.getMessageContext().put(Header.HEADER_LIST, headers);

But it doesn't describe how to get a context.  Is this even the right API to
add parameters to the soap:header in the outgoing request?

Thanks in advance.  I haven't been able to find anything related to this in
the archives of this list...

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