On Fri December 11 2009 4:40:20 pm Alex wrote:
> hi out there,
> I am new to APACHE CXF and I have some questions, I hope someone will
> answer.
> Dose APACHE CXF support soap with attachments (SWA)?

Yes.  It's mandated as part of the JAX-WS spec.

> Is it possible to realise an client certificate authentication with

Are you talking as part of https or via WS-Security type stuff.   In either 
case, the answer is yes.   Just would change which docs to look at:

Http conduit:


> Did someone know a tutorial how to build an APACHE CXF webservice from
> wsdl and deploy the webservice at tomcat 6.0.*?

Bunch of stuff listed at:


> As I understand I have to generate the service-skeleton with wsdl2 java
> here my ant Task:
>     <target name="cxfWSDLToJava">
>         <java classname="org.apache.cxf.tools.wsdlto.WSDLToJava"
> fork="true">
>             <arg value="-p" />
>             <arg value="ns://ns1.myspace.com=service" />
>             <arg value="-sn" />
>             <arg value="CXFService" />
>             <arg value="-d" />
>             <arg value="${src}" />
>             <arg value="-server" />
>             <arg value="-impl" />
>             <arg value="-ant" />
>             <arg value="-autoNameResolution" />
>             <arg value="${path2wsdlName}" />
>             <classpath>
>                 <path refid="cxf.classpath" />
>             </classpath>
>         </java>
>     </target>
> this work the skeleton and all type classes are generated.
> the I build an war-file for deployment on the tomcat server
>     <target name="generate war">
>         <war destfile="./dis/cxfservice.war" webxml="./WEB-INF/web.xml">
>             <lib dir="../apache-cxf-2.2.5/lib" />
>             <classes dir="./bin" />
>             <webinf  dir="./spring" includes="applicationContext.xml" />
>         </war>
>     </target>
> the compiler prints no errors, I think my problems are in the web.xml
> and or in the applicationContext.xml
> when i deploy the service on tomcat the server print no error but the
> service isn't started the only message is:
> 11.12.2009 15:53:32
> org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ReflectionServiceFactoryBean
> buildServiceFromWSDL
> INFO: Creating Service {ns://ns1.myspace.com}CXFService from WSDL:
> file:./service_description/CXFService.wsdl
> I attach the web.xml and the applicationContext.xml.
> about an answer I would be pleased much, thank you for your time
> so long Alex

Daniel Kulp

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