On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Barrie Treloar <baerr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Barrie Treloar <baerr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'll also double check the sample directory...
> No samples use simple:client.
> The java_first_pojo uses simple:server and the Client class uses the
> ClientProxyFactoryBean.
> I'll give that a go as well.

I have jax-ws working by creating a copy of the plain java interface
and annotating the new version.
I then create the implementation and delegate the methods to my pojo service.

I thought I would try to expose via simple:server the same pojo.

When I use the simple java interface I get the same
ClassCastException: $Proxy50 as the Spring simple:client gives.

The first time though I mistakenly used the jax-ws annotated interface
with the ClientProxyFactoryBean but at least this gets past the proxy
class cast exception:

14/01/2010 09:27:02
WARNING: A JAX-WS Annotation was found on fqn.web.MyService while
using the Simple frontend.  For better results, use the JAX-WS
14/01/2010 09:27:02 org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain doIntercept
WARNING: Interceptor has thrown exception, unwinding now
org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Marshalling Error: fqn.MyParameter
is not known to this context

Reading http://cxf.apache.org/docs/simple-frontend.html I also note
right at the bottom the Well-Known Issue:
There is a known issue for the JAXB data binding with POJO, please see
Dan Kulp's comment in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-897 .
If you want to use JAXB binding you should use the JAX-WS Frontend.
Mixing Simple Frontend and JAXB binding leads to problems. The article
A simple JAX-WS service shows a code first JAX-WS service that is
almost as easy to use as the Simple Frontend.

I wonder if this marhsalling error is related to the known-issue.

I'm pretty clueluess in this area, but I believe the best practice is
to work with a wsdl first.
What I was hoping to do was to hack a proof of concept together with
java first and then create a first pass wsdl via java2wsdl and then
hand customize anything.
(All to save some effort).
Since I'm having so much trouble perhaps I should bite the bullet and
hand build the wsdl file.

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