On 02/16/2010 06:25 PM, Andreas Veithen wrote:
Spring has a concept called "transaction suspension" which allows you
to detach a transaction from a thread. This is primarily used to
execute a separate transaction on the same thread (and later resume
the original transaction), but this probably can also be used to
reattach the transaction to a different thread. So, by googling for
"transaction suspension" you may be able to find some information
about how to do this.

_Spring_ has this concept? Err, no, not exactly. This is a standard JTA operation which is documented in the JTA spec**. Anyone who uses transactions in Java ought to read and know this specification (it's not very big). At the very least they ought to have looked up the documentation of the API classes, Transaction and TransactonManager.

Spring may well have wrapped this up in their own API to make it look like they have done some work instead of just packaging someone else's implementation. That's business as usual for them.


Andrew Dinn
** specifically you want:
javax.transaction.Transaction javax.transaction.TransactionManager.suspend()

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