
We'll just need to ensure that DOSGI 1.2 makes it possible to configure jms 
conduits and destinations for JMS be supported.
The number of supported protocols is bound by CXF to HTTP and JMS. Now to support other possible protocols such as RMI or XML-RPC etc we have two options to choose from :

- have DOSGI integrated into higher-level container which support RMI/etc
- have DSW refactored such that CXF could act as a default discoverable engine but also for users be able to plug in whatever other implementation they need.

I'd favor the 2nd approach

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Bosschaert" <david.bosscha...@gmail.com>
To: <users@cxf.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: Services provided by DOSGi

Hi Chris,

Yes, this should be possible. The idea of using OSGi services and then
distribute them without having to worry about the protocol is exactly
what we had in mind when developing DOSGi!
The CXF-DOSGi implementation currently supports: SOAP/HTTP and
REST/HTTP. They can be configured by setting the org.apache.cxf.ws or
org.apache.cxf.rs configuration type. If you don't specify a
configuration type it defaults to org.apache.cxf.ws (SOAP).

Currently these two are supported, there are people talking about
supporting JMS as well, but it should be possible to add something
completely different as well... For more information see:

Best regards,


On 25 February 2010 22:09, Clark, Chris <chris.cla...@hp.com> wrote:
Hi there,

I was just wondering, after struggling to incorporate CXF DOSGI into a long-running 'playground' project of mine, whether it is possible to use the DOSGI system provided with CXF for other front protocols - so can OSGi services be exposed via Hessian/Burlap/RMI/XML-RPC/etc... using this system.

The whole idea that I had was that we had a load of OSGi services, but would like to be able to expose them dynamically, without any worry about the front-end protocol (whether it be SOAP/JSON/XML-RPC/Hessian/whatever).

Does CXF DOSGI support this? and is there any documentation about it?

Chris Clark

"Audio, Video, Disco"

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