Hi, sorry, I haven't got a chance yet to run a test with the latest trunk
and confirm the problem exists, will get back to you asap

Can you please confirm that only

@SOAPBinding(use=Use.LITERAL, style=Style.RPC)
public interface FooService{
  public Foo getFoo(
          long fooId)


will produce no grammar too ?

cheers, Sergey

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 12:04 PM, Gabo Manuel <kman...@solegysystems.com>wrote:

> Anyone? :'(
> Gabo Manuel wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> Given the following:
>> @WebService(name="FooService",
>>       targetNamespace="http://foos.domain.com/";)
>> @SOAPBinding(use=Use.LITERAL, style=Style.RPC)
>> @Consumes("*/xml")
>> @Produces("text/xml")
>> @Path("/Foos")
>> public interface FooService{
>>   @GET
>>   @Path("/")
>>   @WebMethod
>>   @WebResult(name="Foo")
>>   public Foo getFoo(
>>           @QueryParam("fooId")
>>           @WebParam(name="fooId")
>>           long fooId)
>>   ;
>>   /*-
>>    * This method intentionally has no HTTP Method annotation.
>>    * This method will be used for sub-resource locator feature
>>    * of JAX-RS.
>>    */
>>   @Path("/")
>>   @WebMethod(exclude=true)
>>   public Foo getFooProperty(
>>           @QueryParam("fooId")
>>           long fooId
>>           )
>>   ;
>>     @GET
>>   @Path("/filter/")
>>   @WebMethod(exclude=true)
>>   public List<Foo> getFoos(
>>           @QueryParam("somefilterparam")
>>           String somefilterparam
>>           )
>>   ;
>> }
>> @XmlType(name="Foo", namespace="http://foos.domain.com";)
>> @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.PROPERTY)
>> @XmlRootElement(name="Foo", namespace="http://foos.domain.com";)
>> public class Foo{
>>   long fooId=0;
>>   @GET
>>   @Path("/fooID")
>>   public long getFooId() {
>>       return fooId;
>>   }
>>   public long setFooId(long fooId) {
>>       return this.fooId = fooId;
>>   }
>> }
>> The generated wadl does not contain any grammar. I noticed that if I
>> include the following, the grammar shows properly:
>>   @PUT
>>   @Path("/")
>>   @WebMethod
>>   @WebResult(name="fooId")
>>   public long insertFoo(
>>           @WebParam(name="foo")
>>           Foo foo
>>           )
>>   ;
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Gabo

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