We are using our own wrapper class around a hashtable that we use as a
parameter in many WS requests and as data field in many response

public class HashtableParameter implements Serializable
         * Hashtable value
        private HashMap<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, 

                parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
        public void put(String key, String value)
                parameters.put(key, value);
        public String get(String key)
                return parameters.get(key);
        public HashMap<String, String> getParameters()
                return parameters;
        public void setParameters(HashMap<String, String> parameter)
                this.parameters = parameter;

This works nicely normally but sometimes during high load some
parameters seems to gets "lost"?!? (for like a few % of the calls)

eg on the client I might initialize a parameter list and then to
fields.put("test", "testing") and then on the server side when we test
100 calls, maybe in 2 calls this parameter is missing on the server

I am looking to see if there could be some synchronization bug on the
client or server but cannot find any, could this be related to the
transport somehow? anyone have feedback what could be causing this?

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