
i am using CXF 2.2.10 with JAXWS/JAXB binding and when an exception is
thrown in a method of @WebService annotated class,
the exception is not serialized in the SOAP:Fault detail (even if it's
annotated with JAXB annotations) .

I searched on the internet and i have seen that it's a known issue :

I created my own out fault interceptor that serializes the exception in the
SOAP:Fault detail element. Actually
it creates a DOM element from the exception class. It works
I had hard time to make it work due to this other issue with JAXB
that is unable to serialize a Throwable and due to the fact that the web
service is deployed in an OSGI bundle (i had
to play with the context classloader).

My only problem now is that when the WSDL is retrieved (using the endpoint's
address with the ?WSDL parameter),
the type for the exception does not reflect the Java properties defined in
the exception's class.

Is there a way to control the dynamic WSDL generation ? Have you faced the
same issue with the JAXWS/JAXB binding
of CXF regarding the exceptions ?

Thanks in advance,

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