On Friday 15 October 2010 5:57:55 am David Bosschaert wrote:
> On 15 October 2010 10:48, Ronald Müller <r.muel...@unicomp-berlin.de> wrote:
> > Finally i solved my issue by kicking the following bundles:
> > 
> > * geronimo-activation_1.1_spec-1.0.2.jar
> > * org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jaxb-impl-2.1.6_1.jar
> > * org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxb-api-2.1-1.3.0.jar
> > * org.apache.servicemix.specs.stax-api-1.0-1.3.0.jar
> > 
> > out of the cxf-dosgi-singlebundle.jar, as these are also provided by the
> > JDK6. So i configured the bootdelegation-property as following:
> > 
> > org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=com.sun.*,javax.xml.bind.*,javax.activa
> > tion.*,javax.xml.stream.*
> > 
> > And it just works now :-) !
> That's excellent news! Does anyone know whether these bundles actually
> provide any value for JSE 6 users? You obviously need them for JSE 5
> but I'm wondering do we really need to support JSE 5 in our releases
> given that JSE 5 reached end of life about a year ago?

jaxb-impl COULD, but not the servicemix version.   The version in the modern 
JDK's is 2.1.10 which is newer than the smx version anyway.   HOWEVER, there 
are some major bugs fixed in 2.1.13 which is why CXF 2.3.0 always depends on 

CXF 2.3.0, when using Java6 and Maven, won't bring in many of the things that 
are built into the JDK.   Things like saaj, activation, etc... are not 
dependencies anymore as the JDK provides them.  The two major execptions are:
1) jaxb-impl (see above)
2) woodstox - the Stax parser built into the JDK sucks.   It's slow and buggy.  
Using woodstox is SOOOO much better. 

Due to zookeeper, DOSGi doesn't really support Java5 anyway.  Thus, I'd say 
for DOSGi 1.3, we should just drop support for Java5 and remove the bundles 
that are no longer necessary.

Daniel Kulp

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