I have a rather simple service that uses HTTPServletRequest to get at POST data 
from the client. When this is deployed inside a servlet container (tomcat) with 
a CXFServlet it consumers the POST data and request.getParameter returns null 
inside the service. When I use a MultiValuedMap instead of HTTPServletRequest, 
it works fine. This is very similar to the bug that was reported earlier but it 
was closed as invalid: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-2993

What am I missing?

PS: I looked at the integration test that Sergey mentioned. The only difference 
I can see between that test and my situation is the fact that I am using a 
servlet destination for all requests.

public class TokenEndpoint {

public Response authorize(@Context HttpServletRequest request) throws 
OAuthSystemException {

String grantType = request.getParameter("grant_type");

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