Hi: Axis2 & .net could publish a PortType with Http-Binding in WSDL. That's to say: when user write a service business logical, the user could choose to publish the service interface to be a Soap-Binding Webservice or a Http-Binding Webservice without changed the definition of java /.net source code
I have checked the online document of CXF HTTP-Binding. But it seems the cxf 's http binding contract is defined by Annotation of java code, but not WSDL. So I am wondering if CXF support to publish a JAVA Interface to be a Http-Binding WebService (the http-binding contract is defined in WSDL , but not in JAVA Code)? It' s usage may looks like as following: 1) predefined wsdl : <wsdl> <wsdl:portType name="hello"/> <wsdl:binding name="httpBinding"> <http:binding verb="POST"/> . </wsdl:binding> <wsdl:service name="httpBindingService"> <wsdl:port binding="s:httpBinding" name="httpBindingEndpoint"/> </wsdl:service> <wsdl> 2) publish the java service with existing wsdl <jaxws:endpoint implementor="some.interface.implement" endpoint="s:httpBindingEndpoint" serviceName="s:httpBindingService wsdlLocation="classpath:http-binding-hello.wsdl"> </jaxws:endpoint> Thanks any suggestion