On Wednesday, August 17, 2011 4:17:58 PM Kent Närling wrote:
> I tried ad-hoc and just wrote the interface myself as:
> @WebService
> public interface MyService
> {
> @WebMethod(operationName = "doSomething")
> Future<?> doSomething(
> @WebParam(name = "someParam") String someParam,
> AsyncHandler<DoSomethingResult> asyncHandler);
> }
> But with this I just god the error : "Could not find wsdl:binding operation
> info for web method doSomething"
> So I guess this means I would have to annotate some binding information? or
> is this impossible to do with annotations?

You ALWAYS have to have the non-async versions there.   Thus, put your 
original method signature in there.   You can then optionally add the async 
versions as needed and only for the methods you need.


> On 17 August 2011 10:23, Kent Närling <kent.narl...@seamless.se> wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > We declare our SOAP interfaces in java and then build the WSDL:s from
> > the
> > java code since 99% of our clients are in java and to make it most
> > convenient for them we have decided to follow this path.
> > 
> > eg we might have a sample service declared like:
> > 
> > @WebService
> > 
> > public interface MyService
> > 
> > {
> > 
> > @WebMethod(operationName = "doSomething")
> > 
> > DoSomethingResult doSomething(
> > 
> >  @WebParam(name = "someParam") String someParam);
> > 
> > }
> > 
> > 
> > Now, we could like to be able to call this using the async way with
> > callbacks, is there some way we can declare this manually with
> > annotations? (ie without generating the code from wsdl)
> > 
> > And would it then be possible to JUST declare the callback variations,
> > since we know we won't use the polling approach etc?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > /Kent
Daniel Kulp
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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