Hello cxf users, cxf-codegen-plugin v 2.1.x (tried 2.1.3 & 2.1.10), 2.2.12 and 2.3.6 have issue with spaces in wsdl path when generating Java classes (tried with 2.4.2 too but dependencies of plugin and project are not compatible).
In use case where issue is reproduced there are two child modules W (for wsdl) and J (for java) of parent module P, W has WSDL files, J has wsdl2java configured. J declares property wsdl.project.location equal to ../W, while wsdlOption/wsdl references this property. When P is built on a path with spaces build fails, otherwise it's successful. It seems wsdl2java wrongly interprets full path with spaces as relative path and then decides to append current directory prefix twice. Can anyone reproduce this? Regards, Stevo.