
You need install all necessary bundle yourself.
If you can use Apache karaf/smx then you can use karaf provision mechanism which use a feature.xml[1] to describe all necessary bundles, just simply
features:install cxf

can install all necessary bundles.
However, as you're using Virgo, you need install all necessary yourself. For the opensaml, servicemix provider a OSGi wrapper opensaml bundle, you can take a look at [1] to figure out where it is(it's in the maven central repo), also I believe you need install more bundles besides opensaml.

On 2011-11-8, at 下午6:03, ctranxuan ctranxuan wrote:

I am trying to deploy a bundle that uses cxf-bundle-minimal on the Virgo 3.0.1.RELEASE platform. When upgrading cxf-bundle-minimal from 2.2.9 to
2.5.0 version, I've got the error message:

[2011-11-08 10:01:28.052] system-artifacts <DE0500E> Unable to install application from URI 'file:/home/foundation.plan'. Cannot satisfy constraints for bundle 'com.xxx' version '2.0.0.RELEASE'. Cannot resolve:
   Resolver report:
       An Import-Package could not be resolved. Caused by missing
constraint in bundle <com.xxx_2.0.0.RELEASE>
            constraint: <Import-Package: org.apache.cxf.helpers;
version="0.0.0"> constrained to bundle <org.apache.cxf.bundle-minimal>
constrained bundle version range "[2.5.0,2.5.0]"
       An Import-Package could not be resolved. Caused by missing
constraint in bundle <com.xxx_2.0.0.RELEASE>
            constraint: <Import-Package: org.apache.cxf.helpers;
version="0.0.0"> constrained to bundle <org.apache.cxf.bundle-minimal>
constrained bundle version range "[2.5.0,2.5.0]"
       An Import-Package could not be resolved. Caused by missing
constraint in bundle <org.apache.cxf.bundle-minimal_2.5.0>
            constraint: <Import-Package: org.opensaml.common;

It looks like the bundle need to import org.opensaml.common, but I can't find an OSGi version of this bundle. At least, the same version declared in the cxf-parent pom (it looks like a 2.5.1). Just wanted to know whether cxf distrib did turn opensaml into a bundle or used an external OSGi version? If not, does it mean, if we wish to use cxf-bundle-minimal, we do need to
turn into our own bundle a version of the OpenSaml artifacts?

Thanks in advance.

Freeman Fang

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