I invoked a SOAP 1.1 web service using CXF 2.4.2 DispatchImpl and that service 
immediately returned the following soap header:

My client hung for 60 seconds until a timeout was reached, at which point the 
response was available in the StaxSource.  Tracing the problem into the code 
revealed that it was waiting because the message response it had received so 
far was deemed a "partial response" due to the following code which always is 
called when WS-Addressing is enabled in MAPCodec.java:
    private void markPartialResponse(SoapMessage message, AddressingProperties 
maps) {
        if (ContextUtils.isRequestor(message) && null != maps
            && (null == maps.getRelatesTo() 
                || (null != maps.getRelatesTo()
Names.WSA_UNSPECIFIED_RELATIONSHIP.equals(maps.getRelatesTo().getValue())))) {
            message.put(Message.PARTIAL_RESPONSE_MESSAGE, Boolean.TRUE);

The problem, I think, is this condition "null == maps.getRelatesTo()".  This 
essentially means that a WS-Addressing RelatesTo header is required to indicate 
that a message response is complete- even on a synchronous request/response.  I 
think the source of this problem is that the original WS-Addressing submission 
to W3C said that "This element MUST be present if the message is a reply" in 
the description for the RelatesTo header (see 
http://www.w3.org/Submission/ws-addressing/#_Toc77464323).  This language was 
struck from the final WS-Addressing 1.0 (see 
http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-addr-core/#msgaddrpropsinfoset) and means that 
RelatesTo is not required.

While I think it was sloppy on the part of the service writer to not include 
the RelatesTo header, it is OPTIONAL according to the spec.  So, especially in 
the case of a synchronous request, I think this code is incorrect.  A CXF 
Dispatch client should not hang until timeout is reached because an optional 
header is not included in the response.

Unfortunately, I'm not really sure what the correct solution is here since I 
don't understand the case for ever having a partial response message in a 
synchronous request/response.  Should later code note that the request/response 
is synchronous and ignore this partial response flag?  I assume the intention 
of this code is for asynchronous request/response so that the immediate 
response on the request's socket connection is not treated as the asynchronous 
response message.

Any clues?

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