Is there any possibility to define your import location url relative
to the original location? If that works out, that might probably solve
the problem.

2012/3/7 Xavier López <>:
> Hi. I've deployed a contract-first web service using CXF.
> The server into which it is deployed performs 302 redirections from http to
> ssl, so any request to http://server/app/* returns an HTTP 302 error code
> and redirects to https://server/app/*.
> In the original WSDL there are references to XSD elements in another
> namespace, so the generated WSDL (the one
> http://server/app/services/MyService?wsdl provides) contains a
> `<wsdl:import>` element.
> If I try to invoke the WS by manually building a SOAP request in a String
> and send it over an SSL socket, the WS responds correctly. I've got all
> necessary certificates in my keystore.
> However, when I try to build a client using CXF's wsdl2java pointing to `
> https://server/app/services/MyService?wsdl`, I get the following error:
>    [Fatal Error] MyService?wsdl=MyServicePortType.wsdl:1:50: White spaces
> are required between publicId and systemId.
>    WSDLToJava Error: org.apache.cxf.wsdl11.WSDLRuntimeException:
>    Fail to create wsdl definition from :
> https://server/app/services/MyService?wsdl
>    Caused by : WSDLException (at /wsdl:definitions/wsdl:import):
>    faultCode=PARSER_ERROR: Problem parsing '
> http://server:80/app/services/MyService?wsdl=MyServicePortType.wsdl'.:
>    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: White spaces are required between
> publicId and systemId.
> The trace is referring to the `<wsdl:import>` statement. Its `location`
> attribute is `
> http://server:80/app/services/MyService?wsdl=MyServicePortType.wsdl`. My
> guess is that the error is thrown because of the 302 redirection.
> The original WSDL is URL-agnostic, and the service's URL is defined
> relative. It is accessed through the CXF servlet.
> Should I specify somewhere in the service's autogenerated classes or wsdl
> that the service is to be deployed on SSL? And how could I do it?

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