AFAIK, this is what "createdFromAPI" or "abstract" attributes can help with (they are effective for jaxws:client), something I've started looking into recently too in context the of JAX-RS client runtime work


On 03/05/13 01:14, Jason Pell wrote:
I guess i should have been clearer. If i wanted to do an enhancement to
jaxws client would it be acceptable to cxf?

When i have a chance i am going to play around with the client factory bean
to see whats possible.
On May 3, 2013 10:07 AM, "Jason Pell"<>  wrote:


I still want to use jaxws:client but would be ideal if i could somehow
delay construction of jaxws client until its first use. I know i can
probably do this by referencing the jaxws:client bean id and using
lazy-init but it would be neater if i could have a property on jaxws client
that would automatically do this as part of the one jaxws client

Such as lazyInit="true"

The standard spring lazy-init is not enough as i am injecting this client
into other beans which are not lazy init.

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