On Jun 5, 2013, at 4:46 PM, Jesse Pangburn <jesse.pangb...@infor.com> wrote:

> This appears to be a bug.  I stepped through the debugger into the 
> PolicyOutInterceptor's handle method and found the following in the 
> BindingOperationInfo object:
> [BindingOperationInfo: {http://cxf.apache.org/jaxws/dispatch}Invoke]
> This is the default value which gets overridden at some point with the actual 
> operation.  I'm not sure why this is, but my guess is that this 
> PolicyOutInterceptor is running before the code that looks at the message 
> content and computes the operation from the WSDL.
> The result is that the effective policy is incorrectly calculated because the 
> operation is unknown at that point, so it's only using the policy for the 
> service's binding and not merging in the policy for the operation's output 
> message.  Does anyone know how to fix this correctly?

In general, with a Dispatch client, you may need to tell the client which 
operation you are invoking. 

         new QName("http://cxf.apache.org/greeter_control";, "greetMeOneWay"));

or similar.  That will allow the client to not process the body contents at all 
to try and determine the operation.


> BTW, in case anyone else is reading this looking for how to print out the 
> effective policy, the answer is to turn on logging for the 
> PolicyOutInterceptor class at FINEST level.
> Thanks,
> Jesse
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jesse Pangburn [mailto:jesse.pangb...@infor.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 4:22 PM
> To: users@cxf.apache.org
> Subject: how to determine/debug effective ws policy used?
> Hi,
> I'm trying to learn how to correctly use WS-Policy with CXF (using version 
> 2.7.2) and would like to know if there's a way to log the effective policy 
> calculated for both consumer and provider?
> The problem is that I have a wsdl with 3 policies attached to different 
> points.  The first policy contains an asymmetric binding to provide the X509 
> keys for signing/encryption.  The second two policies just have the places I 
> want signed/encrypted, like this:
>    <wsp:Policy wsu:Id="Output_Policy">
>        <wsp:ExactlyOne>
>            <wsp:All>
>                <sp:EncryptedParts>
>                    <sp:Body/>
>                </sp:EncryptedParts>
>                <sp:SignedParts>
>                    <sp:Body/>
> ...
> In the WSDL, I have the following binding which references the first policy:
>  <wsdl:binding name="Binding_MyService" type="tns:MyService">
>    <wsp:PolicyReference URI="#main_policy"/>
> The operations reference the second two policies to say what to sign/encrypt 
> in each direction:
>    <wsdl:operation name="PatientRequests">
>      <soap12:operation 
> soapAction="http://example.com/schemas/'myService/PatientRequests" 
> style="document"/>
>      <wsdl:input>
>        <wsp:PolicyReference URI="#Input_policy"/>
>        <soap12:body use="literal"/>
>      </wsdl:input>
>      <wsdl:output>
>        <wsp:PolicyReference URI="#Output_Policy"/>
>        <soap12:body use="literal"/>
>      </wsdl:output>
>    </wsdl:operation>
> I've setup a client (using CXF Dispatch) and a server (using CXF Provider).  
> If I make a bad URI in the policy reference for the operation, the client 
> does not complain but the server does throw an exception saying it can't find 
> policy "xyz" (or whatever I rename the PolicyReference to).  Whether the URI 
> is right or not, the client doesn't do the signing/encryption but the server 
> errors out complaining that the Body is not signed or encrypted (correctly, 
> since the client failed to sign/encrypt).
> So it appears to me that the client is not properly calculating the effective 
> policy as the merge of the main policy and either the input/output policy 
> (depending on direction), but the server does correctly calculate the 
> effective policy.  In the main policy, I also have WS-Addressing engaged and 
> when I trace the messages I see that the client is sending the right Action 
> header so it's correctly determining the operation from the message I'm 
> sending, so it should be able to determine the right policy (just as the 
> server does when it receives the message and calculates the policy based on 
> the Action header).
> Thanks,
> Jesse

Daniel Kulp
dk...@apache.org - http://dankulp.com/blog
Talend Community Coder - http://coders.talend.com

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