On 29/07/13 12:27, John Baker wrote:

Thanks for responding so quickly.

JAX-RS selection algorithm sees these 2 methods as equal candidates.
IMHO having unique paths for different type of resources (from the
client's POV, not from the Java hierarchy perspective) is reasonable
IMHO, but if you prefer or *have to* use the same method signatures, then

Yes, it is very bad, I agree. But the client disagrees. :)

I'll look into your solution but could you also tell me how to get the
Message object, or more importantly, the URI from an extension of an
AbstractConfigurableProvider? I've got something to translate the
message body into objects (ie deserialise it) and there may be a
solution in there..

You can have "@Context MessageContext" or any of standard JAX-RS contexts injected into your custom provider



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