Hello Colm,

I have a bit of an urgent question re WSS4J.

I am using JBoss 6.1 which includes JBossWS 3.4.1.  This version  of the JBoss 
web services CXF stack is based on Apache CXF 2.3.1.  I think this means that I 
am using WSS4J 1.5.8.

Looking at your blog at this page, 
http://coheigea.blogspot.com/2011/01/wss4j-16-crypto-property-change.html, you 
are describing the changes from WSS4J 1.5.x and 1.6 and you state that

"there is no clean separation of the keystore used to obtain private/secret 
keys, and that used to verify trust on received credentials"

So, just to make sure that I understand you, in this older version of WSS4J, a 
SINGLE keystore is used to contain both the private encryption keys for 
outbound traffic and the public keys to decrypt and/or authenticate incoming 
requests?  I.e.,  there is NO truststore?

So, if I have a security properties file used by the WSS4J interceptor that 
contains these entries:

# Truststore information

Then, I am mixing configuration elements for the older WSS4J 1.5.x version and 
the newer 1.6.x version and, in fact, the truststore entries are ignored?

And, this is a forlorn hope, but if this is true, I don't suppose there would 
be any clean way of dropping in a newer version of WSS4J 1.6 and have it work 
with CXF 2.3.1?


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