are you sure that cxf is used in both environments?
i suspect something else is doing the work in WAS.

2013/11/14 Euan Milton <>:
> Hi all,
> We have a web application which needs to consume an external web service.
> To do this we have generated the set of Java artifacts from the WSDL via 
> Maven using the wsdl2java goal provided by the cxf-codegen-plugin Maven 
> plugin.  The SEI generated by CXF is then used to invoke the web service.
> When we deploy the built web app on Tomcat everything works fine.  However, 
> when exactly the same web app is deployed on WebSphere Application Server, 
> there are problems in terms of the serialized SOAP message that is created.
> The SOAP request that is generated by the app deployed on Tomcat 
> is:<S:Envelope xmlns:S="";>
>   <S:Body>
>     <ns12:ProcessUIRequest xmlns:ns10="http://zzz/yyyentityview/validation/";
>     xmlns:ns11="http://zzz/yyyview/search/list/";
>     xmlns:ns12="http://zzz/yyywebservice/v5/types/";
>     xmlns:ns2="http://zzz/yyyentityview/app/";
>     xmlns:ns3="http://zzz/yyyentityview/client/";
>     xmlns:ns4="http://zzz/yyyview/search/postcode/";
>     xmlns:ns5="http://zzz/yyyview/app/";
>     xmlns:ns6="http://zzz/yyyview/search/app/";
>     xmlns:ns7="http://zzz/yyyview/search/bank/";
>     xmlns:ns8="http://zzz/yyyview/uw/";
>     xmlns:ns9="http://zzz/yyybase/";>
>       <ns12:ProcessUIRequest CallType="Submit" DisplayError="false"
>       IsAnonymous="false" IsCompactRequest="false" IsError="false">
>         <ns9:ModelData>
>           <ns9:TransactionData ApplicationReference="20000003CR3.00000003"
>           xmlns:xsi="";
>           xsi:type="ns5:QuoteLoadTxnDataVO" />
>         </ns9:ModelData>
>         <ns9:Activity ActionCode="QuoteLoad" ActionMode="Default"
>         ActivityCode="QuoteApplicationFull" ActivityMode="Default"
>         ActivityReference="" ActivityStatus="Inital"
>         ActivityTransaction="StartNewActivityAndLogOffUser"
>         CanProceedWithValidationsOutstanding="true">
>           <ns9:BusinessKeys>
>             <item>
>               <key>
>                 <string>ADVREF</string>
>               </key>
>               <value>
>                 <BusinessKeyVO KeyName="ADVREF" KeyValue="AVAGT01">
>                   <BusinessKey KeyName="ADVREF" KeyType="Unknown"
>                   KeyValue="AVAGT01" />
>                 </BusinessKeyVO>
>               </value>
>             </item>
>           </ns9:BusinessKeys>
>         </ns9:Activity>
>       </ns12:ProcessUIRequest>
>     </ns12:ProcessUIRequest>
>   </S:Body>
> </S:Envelope>
> The POJO which is marshalled into that SOAP request is:
> <tcp.ssgbase.BaseVO>
>   <modelData>
>     <transactionData class="">
>       <applicationReference>20000003CR3.00000003</applicationReference>
>     </transactionData>
>   </modelData>
>   <activity>
>     <businessKeys>
>       <item>
>         <tcp.serializable__dictionary.BusinessKeyItem>
>           <key>
>             <string>ADVREF</string>
>           </key>
>           <value>
>             <businessKeyVO>
>               <businessKey>
>                 <keyName>ADVREF</keyName>
>                 <keyValue>AVAGT01</keyValue>
>                 <keyType>Unknown</keyType>
>               </businessKey>
>               <keyName>ADVREF</keyName>
>               <keyValue>AVAGT01</keyValue>
>             </businessKeyVO>
>           </value>
>         </tcp.serializable__dictionary.BusinessKeyItem>
>       </item>
>     </businessKeys>
>     <actionMode>DEFAULT</actionMode>
>     <activityMode>DEFAULT</activityMode>
> <activityTransaction>START_NEW_ACTIVITY_AND_LOG_OFF_USER</activityTransaction>
>     <actionCode>QuoteLoad</actionCode>
>     <activityReference></activityReference>
>     <activityStatus>INITAL</activityStatus>
>     <activityCode>QuoteApplicationFull</activityCode>
> <canProceedWithValidationsOutstanding>true</canProceedWithValidationsOutstanding>
>   </activity>
>   <displayError>false</displayError>
>   <isAnonymous>false</isAnonymous>
>   <isError>false</isError>
>   <isCompactRequest>false</isCompactRequest>
>   <callType>SUBMIT</callType>
> </tcp.ssgbase.BaseVO>
> The SOAP request generated when the app is deployed on WAS is:
> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="";>
>   <soapenv:Body>
>     <ns2:ProcessUIRequest xmlns:ns2="http://zzz/yyywebservice/v5/types/";>
>       <processUIRequest>
>         <activity>
>           <actionCode>QuoteLoad</actionCode>
>           <actionMode>DEFAULT</actionMode>
>           <activityCode>QuoteApplicationFull</activityCode>
>           <activityMode>DEFAULT</activityMode>
>           <activityReference />
>           <activityStatus>INITAL</activityStatus>
>           <activityTransaction>
>           START_NEW_ACTIVITY_AND_LOG_OFF_USER</activityTransaction>
>           <businessKeys />
>           <canProceedWithValidationsOutstanding>
>           true</canProceedWithValidationsOutstanding>
>         </activity>
>         <callType>SUBMIT</callType>
>         <displayError>false</displayError>
>         <isAnonymous>false</isAnonymous>
>         <isCompactRequest>false</isCompactRequest>
>         <isError>false</isError>
>         <modelData>
>           <transactionData 
> xmlns:xsi="";
>           xsi:type="ns2:quoteLoadTxnDataVO">
>             <applicationReference>
>             20000003ESF.00000018</applicationReference>
>           </transactionData>
>         </modelData>
>       </processUIRequest>
>     </ns2:ProcessUIRequest>
>   </soapenv:Body>
> </soapenv:Envelope>
> The POJO which is marshalled into that SOAP request is:
> <tcp.ssgbase.BaseVO>
>   <modelData>
>     <transactionData class="">
>       <applicationReference>20000003ESF.00000018</applicationReference>
>     </transactionData>
>   </modelData>
>   <activity>
>     <businessKeys>
>       <item>
>         <tcp.serializable__dictionary.BusinessKeyItem>
>           <key>
>             <string>ADVREF</string>
>           </key>
>           <value>
>             <businessKeyVO>
>               <businessKey>
>                 <keyName>ADVREF</keyName>
>                 <keyValue>AVAGT01</keyValue>
>                 <keyType>Unknown</keyType>
>               </businessKey>
>               <keyName>ADVREF</keyName>
>               <keyValue>AVAGT01</keyValue>
>             </businessKeyVO>
>           </value>
>         </tcp.serializable__dictionary.BusinessKeyItem>
>       </item>
>     </businessKeys>
>     <actionMode>DEFAULT</actionMode>
>     <activityMode>DEFAULT</activityMode>
> <activityTransaction>START_NEW_ACTIVITY_AND_LOG_OFF_USER</activityTransaction>
>     <actionCode>QuoteLoad</actionCode>
>     <activityReference></activityReference>
>     <activityStatus>INITAL</activityStatus>
>     <activityCode>QuoteApplicationFull</activityCode>
> <canProceedWithValidationsOutstanding>true</canProceedWithValidationsOutstanding>
>   </activity>
>   <displayError>false</displayError>
>   <isAnonymous>false</isAnonymous>
>   <isError>false</isError>
>   <isCompactRequest>false</isCompactRequest>
>   <callType>SUBMIT</callType>
> </tcp.ssgbase.BaseVO>
> You can see that the structure of the two requests are different even though 
> the code being executed on both servers is exactly the same and the structure 
> of the POJOs used to create the SOAP message is the same (barring one value). 
>  The message produced on Tomcat is the correct one.
> If you look at the structure of the <activity> object in each message, you 
> can see that in the message produced by on Tomcat, the majority of the data 
> is produced as attributes, whereas in the message produced on WAS contains 
> everything as actual child nodes of activity.  As per the WSDL and XSD 
> definition of the web service interface, the request produced on Tomcat is 
> correct.
> Our code to generate the correct service endpoint interface implementation is:
> private <T> T createServiceObject(final Class<T> p_seiClass) throws 
> ApplicationException {
>         try {
>             final Service serviceFactory = Service.create(new 
> URL(wsdlLocation), new QName(targetNamespace, serviceName));
>             final SoapHandlerResolver handlerResolver = new 
> SoapHandlerResolver();
>             handlerResolver.addHandler(new SoapMessageLoggingHandler());
>             serviceFactory.setHandlerResolver(handlerResolver);
>             final T service = serviceFactory.getPort(p_seiClass);
>             ((BindingProvider) 
> service).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY,
>                 "endpoint");
>             return service;
>         } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
>             throw new 
> ApplicationException(ApplicationErrorCode.COMM_ERR_UNEXPECTED_ERROR, e);
>         }
>     }
> I've used the same mechanism to call many other web services before with 
> applications deployed on WAS and never had this problem.
> Does anyone have any ideas as to what the underlying issue could be?  Or any 
> pointers as to where I could investigate further?  I'm at a bit of a dead end 
> at the moment and have already spent quite a bit of time investigating the 
> issue.
> Thanks for your help in advance.
> Euan

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