I use the jax-ws Provider mechanism to implement a service provider:
@ServiceMode(value = Service.Mode.MESSAGE)
public class SOAPProvider implements Provider<StreamSource>

If WS-Addressing is enabled and I receive a message with a ReplyTo address, 
then the server will automatically send back an immediate HTTP 202 to the 
request.  When I finish computing a reply message and return it in a 
StreamSource (in this case), then CXF automatically makes a new HTTP request to 
the ReplyTo address and sends the reply there.  This is the normal (and 
expected) asynchronous processing flow.

It works, but it's not practical for a service that needs to reliably send 
reply messages to requests that it received.  Suppose the service even 
processed the request for a minute- it's quite likely that a service will be 
interrupted by a server restart or something.  The caller will never get their 
callback.  Worse, what if the transactions run for days?  And there are lots of 
them?  This mechanism works for testing but is not production quality for 
anything that needs reliable responses.

Is there a mechanism I'm missing for storing these transactions to a database 
or something, and putting the response processing in a separate thread as well? 
 Some way to make asynchronous transactions reliable?


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