On 09/06/14 10:53, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
On 08/06/14 21:56, Lambert, Michael wrote:
I take that back. Its now encapsulating the payload in a wrapper object.
There should not be a "userDataType" object wrapped around the  object:


add dropRootElement=true
it should read:


Same with a returned collection. Its wrapping it an an anonymous root



add dropCollectionWrapperElement=true
Can someone help end this madness? :-)
Well, why don't you use Jackson ? Surely it will work well ?
If you plan work with Jettison/CXF JSONProvider then you need to keep
tuning it, it is a very simple implementation that needs hints. And
lease bear in mind that some users want Java/CXF consumers to read the
and *p*lease bear in mind...
data back...

Cheers, Sergey

On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 2:44 PM, Lambert, Michael

I solved it but its non intuitive. I used the following block in my
beans.xml content file:

<jaxrs:server id="services" address="/">
<ref bean="userDataServiceImpl" />
<ref bean="jaxbProvider"/>
<ref bean="jsonProvider"/>
<bean id="userDataServiceImpl"
class="com.healthmedia.ws.service.userdata.v1.UserDataServiceImpl" />
  <util:list id="xmlTypes">


  <bean id="jaxbProvider"
<property name="unmarshallAsJaxbElement" value="true"/>
  <property name="marshallAsJaxbElement" value="true" />
<property name="produceMediaTypes" ref="xmlTypes"/>
  <property name="consumeMediaTypes" ref="xmlTypes"/>
<util:list id="jsonTypes">



  <bean id="jsonProvider"
<property name="unmarshallAsJaxbElement" value="true"/>
  <property name="marshallAsJaxbElement" value="true" />
<property name="ignoreNamespaces" value="true"/>
  <property name="produceMediaTypes" ref="jsonTypes"/>
<property name="consumeMediaTypes" ref="jsonTypes"/>

It SEEMS though that I shouldnt have to jump thorugh hoops to get this
working. Is there a reason why it shouldnt work out of the box? The fact
that the JSONProvider need to be told about a JAXB implementation detail
seems wrong to me. I also ran into a JSON namespace issue that I had to
solve as well.

Is there a better way to configure this?

Thanks again,


On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Lambert, Michael <
mich...@michaellambert.com> wrote:

I have written an example service to implement standards I am trying to
stand up where I work.

I want to do contract first development and so derive all artifacts
a predefined xml schema and wadl for rest services.

The project generates the artifacts and I import those artifacts
into an
implementation project to write the sample code. I then overrode the
types that the JAXBElementProvider and JSONProvider operate on in my
context file (bean.xml).

When I attempt to access the implemented service using a curl statement
the following error occurs:

curl -X GET -H "Accept:
JAXBException occurred : unable to marshal type
"com.healthmedia.ws.entity.userdata.v1.UserDataType" as an element
it is missing an @XmlRootElement annotation. unable to marshal type
"com.healthmedia.ws.entity.userdata.v1.UserDataType" as an element
it is missing an @XmlRootElement annotation.

I am really stuck can someone help?

The sample code is on my github account:


The schemas and wadl are in the schema project (

the java artifacts are generated in the artifact project (

and the implementation is in the user-data-service project (


Thank you in advance!

Michael Lambert

Sergey Beryozkin

Talend Community Coders

Blog: http://sberyozkin.blogspot.com

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