On 26/06/14 19:12, pablo.a.saave...@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks for following this up Sergey. I haven't dig much into the code, but
from what I see, this is the part of the code where the proxy map is being
created (AbstractResourceInfo#getProxyMap):

     private <T> Map<Class<?>, Map<T, ThreadLocalProxy<?>>>
getProxyMap(Class<T> keyCls, String prop, boolean create) {
         Object property = null;
         synchronized (bus) {
             property = bus.getProperty(prop);
             if (property == null && create) {
                 Map<Class<?>, Map<T, ThreadLocalProxy<?>>> map
                     = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Map<T,
                 bus.setProperty(prop, map);
                 property = map;
         return (Map<Class<?>, Map<T, ThreadLocalProxy<?>>>)property;

Do you really need a ConcurrentHashMap here? If not, it can be replaced
with a WeakHashMap and that should solve this particular issue. You can
also try and wrap a WeakHashMap with Collections.synchronizedMap, but that
might impact performance if there's much contention.

This was of good help, thanks. It might do a trick hopefully it will.
We have ProviderFactory linking to providers stored on Endpoint, so getting the endpoint collected will ensure the custom provider classes will get unloaded.

I've committed the update, For now I'll keep the change on the trunk only for a bit to ensure it has no side-effects and then push down to 2.7.x and 2.6.x before they get released.

Let me know if I can be of any help.

If you could possibly rebuild 2.6.x (mvn install -Pfastinstall) with replacing all of ConcurrentHashMap with synhronized wrappers of WeakHashMap and see if it actually solves the issue in Tomee in the next few days or next week then it would help. The fix should actually work but it can make sense to double check...

Thanks, Sergey


On 26 June 2014 13:50, Sergey Beryozkin <sberyoz...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 26/06/14 17:28, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

On 26/06/14 13:11, pablo.a.saave...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Sergey,

thanks for your prompt response. You are right, what I saw in the heap
were links to the provider class, which prevented the classloader from
being garbage collected.

The provider in question is registered via the standard JAX-RS means, in
the getSingletons method of javax.ws.rs.core.Application. This is done
way because we need to configure the JacksonJaxbJsonProvider.

I've confirmed that the context info JAX-RS provider stored on the Bus
contains the actual provider classes - this needs to be fixed.
I'll look into it

This is ok in itself but due to Tomee having a default bus shared between
the endpoints it becomes a problem after redeployments.

Hmm... I'll need to think how to overcome it...

Cheers, Sergey

Thanks, Sergey

  I'll check with the Tomee team to see if endpoint specific buses are

Thanks a lot.

On 26 June 2014 07:10, Sergey Beryozkin <sberyoz...@gmail.com> wrote:


On 26/06/14 04:32, pablo.a.saave...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi All,

hope you are doing well. We've been using Tomee as our application
lately (we have some basic JAX-RS APIs), and after several
get a PermGen space error. I've been digging into the heap dump, and
what I see our custom JAX-RS provider (JacksonJaxbJsonProvider) is
referenced inside ExtensionManagerBus's properties and never

I'm pretty sure it's Tomee's fault, because it should be doing due
on undeployment, but I was wondering whether the ExtensionManagerBus
any way of removing the registered providers.

   CXF JAX-RS checks provider context properties when it registers

providers and stores reflection-specific information and proxies on the
bus, it does not store the actual providers.

Do you have some more info how Bus ends up linking to the provider ?
We have a feature allowing providers registered directly on the bus via
bus properties, is it what is being done in your case ?

If not then I'm not sure. ProviderFactory holding providers is
on the endpoint but I'm not seeing the code where the endpoint is
registered on the bus.

Either way, the problem appears to be originating from the fact that a
single shared bus is used between multiple endpoints in Tomee. Is it
possible in Tomee endpoint descriptors set up an endpoint specific bus ?
For example, in Spring/Blueprint descriptors which can declare a new CXF
Bus and have jaxrs/jaxws endpoints linking to it and this bus would be
recycled on the redeployment.

So, please let me know:
- if you have more info about the link from Bus to providers
- check if providers are registered directly on the bus (check its
properties like "javax.ws.rs.ext.MessageBodyReader")
- check if Tomee allows creating endpoint specific buses

Lets us know please how it goes

Thanks, Sergey

   Any help would be appreaciated

Thanks in advance.

Sergey Beryozkin

Talend Community Coders

Blog: http://sberyozkin.blogspot.com

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