Check the WSDL/schema to make sure the wsdl has elementFormDefault=“qualified” 
on the <schema>.  That should generate the appropriate   
That said, you may want to add -xjc-npa to the wsdl2java call to have it NOT 
use the package-info and stick the namespace on all the annotations that need 
it.   Sometime (especially in OSGi where context-classloaders may be munged a 
bit), there are problems finding the package-info.


On Oct 9, 2014, at 11:37 AM, Nick Stuart <> wrote:

> Ok, found the root of the problem, still don't know how to properly 'fix'
> it though. The generated code for the for the request
> that doesn't work has:
> @javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema(namespace = "";)
> The one that works has:
> @javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema(namespace = "";,
> elementFormDefault = javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)
> and few other mentions of things
> similar, but no description of this exact situation (most of them refer to
> customizing the prefix, I just want it to show up!)
> My ugly 'fix' would be to manually create the package-info classes and to
> not generate them. Not really nice, but it will work. :(
> On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Nick Stuart <>
> wrote:
>> Hi all, we have had some recurring issues sending messages through the CXF
>> client and being unable to unmarshal them correctly on the backend.
>> Quick environment setup: Camel 2.13.1 exposes CXF Endpoints (2.7.11) on
>> Glassfish 4.1 (and 4.0) running on either jdk 7 or 8.
>> The client sending the request is CXF 2.7.11 as well, wired up with
>> spring. Most of our messages work fine, however we sometimes have issues
>> with null pointer exceptions on the backend for some (seemingly) random
>> messages.
>> Here are two sample messages. The top one does not work, the bottom one
>> does
>> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="";>
>> <soap:Body>
>> <ns2:allUsers xmlns:ns2="";>
>> <arg0>
>> <sortColumn>email</sortColumn>
>> <sortOrder>ASC</sortOrder>
>> <sample>
>> <locked>false</locked>
>> <companyAdmin>false</companyAdmin>
>> </sample>
>> <offset>0</offset>
>> <limit>25</limit>
>> </arg0>
>> </ns2:allUsers>
>> </soap:Body>
>> </soap:Envelope>
>> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="";>
>> <soap:Body>
>> <ns2:list xmlns:ns2="";>
>> <ns2:arg0>
>> <sortColumn>email</sortColumn>
>> <sortOrder>ASC</sortOrder>
>> <sample>
>> <firstName>bri</firstName>
>> <locked>false</locked>
>> <companyAdmin>false</companyAdmin>
>> </sample>
>> <offset>0</offset>
>> <limit>25</limit>
>> </ns2:arg0>
>> </ns2:list>
>> </soap:Body>
>> </soap:Envelope>
>> Both endpoints actually share the same method parameter type on the
>> backend (called ListUserRequest) and everything is generated from the same
>> set of wsdls.
>> The difference with the 'broken' one is the <arg0>. It does not have the
>> ns2 prefix on it, and when it gets back to the backend it things the
>> argument is null. I thought I had found a 'fix' for this, but apparently
>> not.
>> Any insight or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
>> -Nick

Daniel Kulp -
Talend Community Coder -

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