On 22/03/15 20:48, joseph jobbings wrote:
I'd like to add a custom resourceComparator for use with my DOSGi JAX-RS /CXF service
endpoints but I don't know how to register it with the approach we've taken:
annotations-based, declarative services. Is it possible to register a custom
ResourceComparator in a similar fashion to how we register custom mappers and filters,
e.g. through annotations along the lines of, @Property(name =
"org.apache.cxf.rs.provider", classValue = { FooMapper.class, BarFilter.class }
I can find examples of how to set a custom resource comparator via the web
descriptor or Spring config but I haven't found a reference to similar in the
cxf DOSGi documentation. Pages that list available properties, like
http://cxf.apache.org/distributed-osgi-reference.html, don't mention it. Is
that because it's not possible via this approach?
Any pointers, much appreciated.
Custom ResourceComparator is registered using an
"org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.comparator" contextual property,
I've just checked CXF DOSGi source, one can set RS properties as a map,
using "org.apache.cxf.rs.context.properties".
HTH, Sergey