
I would like to know how the proxy specific properties(ProxyServer,
ProxyServerPort and ProxyServerType) of client element of http-conf as per
this link should be used.

I need to call a JAX-WS endpoint that is accessed via proxy over https.

Do I need to import proxy certificate in the JAX-WS client keystore? I am
assuming this is a needed step since the access is over https.

I have configured the http:conduit element for SSL support without using
these proxy attributes, I am not sure how the configuration should look
like if the web service invocation happens via proxy. I am not sure though
if the http:conduit setting is being picked up. The endpoint URL is
pointing to proxy(https://myproxy/mywebservice) . The proxy in turn
converts this to a host specific url by changing the url to something like (

I hope I have made my question(s) clear.
I am using CXF version 2.7.11.


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