Hi Kiren,

sorry for a delay.
is the actual security context is returned as null or it does not report a user principal ?

If it is the latter then it would explain it, the default SecurityContext is set at the HTTP transport level which is bypassed in the local case.

What you can do though is to register a pre-matching ContainerRequestFilter and set a custom SecurityContext from there; the filter has the access to UriInfo, so you can check if the address is not http-based and then set a custom context to cover the local path...

On 04/05/15 16:17, Kiren Pillay wrote:
Hi All,

I have a Webclient in one application calling a local endpoint of another
application in the same container.

It seems that the security context is being lost in the local call. Is
there a way to preserve the  Security Context?

       1.   WebClient localClient = WebClient.create(
                 "http://localhost:8080/xxx/rest";, "test","test", null);

//Not working
        2.  WebClient localClient =
WebClient.create("local://rsservice/xxx/rest", "test", "test", null);

//Code below breaks because it depends on the security worker

         SecurityUser securityUser = securityWorker


My application config below.

<!-- local transport -->
     <jaxrs:server id="localRestContainer"
             <ref bean="service1" />
             <ref bean="service2" />
             <ref bean="jaxbProvider" />
             <ref bean="xxxExceptionMapper" />
             <ref bean="xxxRuntimeExceptionMapper" />


Sergey Beryozkin

Talend Community Coders

Blog: http://sberyozkin.blogspot.com

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