Hi -

I have a requirement to prevent duplicate message id's for a period of at least 
5 minutes, but not forever. It looks like the DefaultMessageIdCache will cache 
them forever. So, some time ago, I implemented a custom cache that derives from 
org.apache.cxf.ws.addressing.MessageIdCache, and uses ehcache under the hood. I 
thought that that was working ok. But apparently the cached data is not 
expiring, and as far as I can tell, my custom MessageIdCache is never even 
being called. This is how I wired it up:

    <jaxws:endpoint id="CXFSTS-BST" implementor="#bstSTSProviderBean"
        address="/STS-BST" wsdlLocation="/WEB-INF/wsdl/FAA-IAM-STS.wsdl"
        serviceName="ns1:BSTSecurityTokenService" endpointName="ns1:STS_Port">
            <wsa:addressing allowDuplicates="false">
                <property name="messageIdCache" ref="iamMessageIdCache"/>

I grabbed that property from somewhere, but I can't find it now; is there some 
other way that I can specify my own message id cache? I'm using CXF 2.7.13.

Stephen W. Chappell

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