AuthorizationCodeGrantService is expected to be called by a human user and therefore by the time the call reaches the service the authentication should've already taken place. CXF sets up a security context which just wraps whatever HttpServletRequest provides.

You can get the user authenticated using CXF JAASLoginInterceptor or any other well-known mechanism (serevlet security, Spring, etc) or set up a custom JAX-RS 2.0 ContainterRequestFilter, authenticate as needed and set a new JAX-RS SecurityContext.

It is also simpler to start with some basic data provider, it os very easy to implement... If you type "CXF OAuth2" in Google you'll get a link to the demo...

HTH, Sergey

On 04/08/15 11:33, Di Xu wrote:

I am getting started with the DefaultEHCacheCodeDataProvider implementation
but stuck calling the /authorize rest call.
I used cxf release v3.1.1 and here is how I configured the beans:

     <bean id="oauthProvider"

     <bean id="accessTokenService"
         <property name="dataProvider" ref="oauthProvider"/>
     <bean id="accessTokenValidatorService"
         <property name="dataProvider" ref="oauthProvider"/>
     <bean id="authorizationService"
         <property name="dataProvider" ref="oauthProvider"/>

    <jaxrs:server id="oauth2_service" address="/">
             <cxf:logging />

             <ref bean="accessTokenService"/>
             <!--<ref bean="accessTokenValidatorService"/>-->
             <ref bean="authorizationService"/>
             <bean class="com.wordnik.swagger.jaxrs.json.JacksonJsonProvider"/>

And here is the rest request (as suggested in


Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Authorization: Basic YmFycnlAc29jaWFsLmNvbToxMjM0
Cookie: JSESSIONID=suj2wyl54c4g
Referer: http://localhost:8080/services/forms/reservation.jsp

But the result is a 401 error.

I followed the source code and caught the exception source in

if (securityContext == null || securityContext.getUserPrincipal() == null) {
     throw ExceptionUtils.toNotAuthorizedException(null, null);

securityContext is not null but getUserPrincipal returns null. Is that
means the security context is not correctly generated given the
Authorization: Basic header is provided? Or do I need register a
custom request filter to do this?

I am new to CXF and thanks for any suggestion/hints.

Sergey Beryozkin

Talend Community Coders

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