I think in earlier versions if you had only aplication/json with an element ref then it would still not generate a class like Session/etc. But now both application/json and application/xml with element refs will generate it.

Next, some users want to have say multiple XML representations but pointing to different schema elements - this is a primary reason why JAXP Source is generated in such cases.

However, there is a supportMultipleXmlReps parameter - this will need to be deprecated and renamed now that application/json refs are also checked, so use it and you'd get multiple methods generated - example, you'd have


This in itself is new - now the proxies can select which format they want to use - before, with only edit(Session) - it would always be the format of the 1st representation - say, always XML.

However I know that there was some pushback and some users still want to have edit(Session) even with multiple representations. So I'll spend some time on making the old generation style supported. However, the use of 'supportMultipleXmlReps' is needed from now on in such cases

Cheers, Sergey

On 06/10/15 11:35, Vjacheslav V. Borisov wrote:
2015-10-05 18:28 GMT+04:00 Sergey Beryozkin <sberyoz...@gmail.com>:

Done for 3.1.4-SNAPSHOT

Thanks again, we will try it. Upgrading from 3.0.4 found strange behavior
(started at 3.0.6)
When method request contains xml and json representation and both contain
"element" reference
                 <method name="PUT" id="edit">
                         <representation mediaType="application/xml"
                         <representation mediaType="application/json"

wadl2java generates perameter with javax.xml.transform.Source istead of

but when i remove element on json representation, it generates element of
Session, so after upgrading need to remove element attribute on json

                 <method name="PUT" id="edit">
                         <representation mediaType="application/xml"
                         <representation mediaType="application/json"/>

does this change made on purpose?

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