Hi, this morning I created this issue (which is already solved, thx again): https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-6810.
Note that in a comment, Sergey Beryozkin writes "So now we have WebClient and proxies being able to use HTTP Api to send the messages over JMS which is unusual ;-)" Because I'm new to cxf, I would like to ask the community whether they think I'm on the right track with my approach. My usage scenario is that I have a "frontend" web-UI server running in the cloud, that needs to exchange data with the backend ERP system. The internet link between those two is known to be a bit shaky. Now, what i had in mind for the solution is to run one jms-broker on the web-UI server and one near the ERP system. Those two brokers shall forward messages between each other and communicate via ssl. Both the web-UI and the ERP-system shall provide some services via cxf-rs. Also, they both share the same service-interfaces and serializable POJOs. The respective clients shall be able to make the invocation one-way, i.e. without having to wait for a result. They just shall obtain a client-proxy and make their call. The call shall directly return with a (http-)result of 202, as described here in the docs: http://cxf.apache.org/docs/jax-rs-advanced-features.html#JAX-RSAdvancedFeatures-Onewayinvocations. If the internet link is currently down, that's not the client's problem, but the two brokers need to retry and reestablish their connection. I think that if i used the http-transport, the client would have to check the if the request worked and explcityl retry if not. Note that if the server-endpoint of the other party can't process the message for whatever reason, it's also not the client's problem, but the server-endpoint needs to store the unprocessable message and notify someone about the problem. I think that my scenario is not that uncommon, but aparently using cxf-oneway-jms is uncommon. So I wonder, is this a reasonable approach? Does cxf provide better tools for this? Or maybe cxf is generally used for scenarios different than this one.? Best regards Tobi