2016-01-21 14:29 GMT+04:00 Sergey Beryozkin <sberyoz...@gmail.com>:

> Hi
> Sure, have a look please at
> org.apache.cxf.catalog.OASISCatalogManager, this is in the cxf-core module.
> I see there it checks "OASISCatalogManager.catalog.debug.level" system
> property - which is set, if not null, on
> org.apache.xml.resolver.CatalogManager, apparently CatalogManager can also
> check Catalog.properties file
> Perhaps OASISCatalogManager can also be enhanced...
> Re the episodes files - have a look at CustomizationParser in
> wadlto/jaxrs, I copied some code there from the wsdl processor, you can see
> jaxb bindings are modified with the target namespaces. Perhaps the similar
> approach can help with episodes ?
> Cheers, Sergey

-xjc-b is not complete workaround, becouse I cannot reference .episode file
located in jar. the only thing i could do is to call
maven-dependency-plugin / unpack jar and point to episode file inside it.

I have tried different options to -xjc-b to point to episode file, like
<extraarg>-xjc-b</extraarg> with
<extraarg>-xjcclasspath:/schemas/w3c/w3c.episode</extraarg> or
<extraarg>-xjcschemas/w3c/w3c.episode</extraarg>, etc,
but no one of them does xjc  to resolve file on classpath

Btw, <bindingFile>classpath:/schemas/w3c/w3c.episode</bindingFile> resolves
ok, but unfortunately I cannot fix wadl plugin to work with episode files
(Error compiling schema from WADL : "file:...." is not a part of this

I have created pom project to address this issue
https://github.com/slavb18/test-episodes/blob/master/pom.xml, in case you
sometime could address episodes issue

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