Also noticed following :

When wadl2java code generation  resolves <xsd:import
using  xml-resolver, it resolves it using publicId using this record in
<public publicId="urn:ru:ilb:basicuuid:basicuuid"
uri="classpath:schemas/basicuuid/basicuuid.xsd" />
This is the code:
class org.apache.xml.resolver.Catalog, method resolveLocalPublic,

    while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
      if (e.getEntryType() == PUBLIC
      && e.getEntryArg(0).equals(publicId)) {
    if (over || systemId == null) {
      return e.getEntryArg(1);

and here publicId variable equals "urn:ru:ilb:basicuuid:basicuuid".

But in runtime, in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.schemas.SchemaHandler, method
it resolves it using LSResourceResolver.resolveResource
and, surprisingly, publicId here is null, but
namespaceURI="urn:ru:ilb:basicuuid:basicuuid", and I can only resolve
schema using <uri> catalog entry
Don't  know why different processors resovle imports differently.
Looking here,
it says that only public entry in catalog required.

But, to resolve schema import both in runtime and during class compilation,
i need to write in catalog.xml two entries:

    <!-- this is for xsd compilation -->
    <public publicId="urn:ru:ilb:basicuuid:basicuuid"
uri="classpath:schemas/basicuuid/basicuuid.xsd" />
    <!-- this is for SchemaHandler -->
    <uri name="urn:ru:ilb:basicuuid:basicuuid"
uri="classpath:schemas/basicuuid/basicuuid.xsd" />

Don't know, how should this fixed (or should not)
E.g. , code like this could fix that, but seems ugly:
resolvedLocation =

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