
Can you explain please what exactly the purpose of it can be ?
WADL generator simply reports the model info by using a JAXB compiler to generate XML schema, I'm trying to figure out how does the bean validation can help here or what it can change

On 17/08/16 18:18, J. Fiala wrote:
I added this PR for bean-validation-support for query parameters:

This also adds the required-flag for params by supporting @NotNull (see
related question here:

Additionally the PR adds support for @Size, @Min/@Max and @Pattern to
the query parameters and will add the proper restrictions inline:

* @NotNull - minOccurs="1"

* @Size - "<xs:minLengthvalue = " + size.min() + "/>",
"<xs:maxLengthvalue = " + size.max() + "/>"

* @Min - "<xs:minInclusive value = " + min.value() + "/>"

* @Min - "<xs:maxInclusive value = " + max.value() + "/>"

* @Pattern - <xs:pattern value=" + pattern.regexp() + " />"

For adding bean-validation-support to the complex types the JAXB
processing / schema has to be parsed/filtered.

The Java to schema mappings seems to be done here in WadlGenerator.java,
line 1541:
 for (DOMResult r : JAXBUtils.generateJaxbSchemas(context,
DOMResult.class))) {

Am I correct in assuming we need a JAXB adapter which picks up the

So it seems we need to prepare the proper XmlAdapters
to generate the necessary restrictions in the schema.

However, it would also be nice to also add proper SimpleTypes and
reference them from the complexTypes (e.g. simpleType string_50 for a
string with a maximum of 50).

Best regards,


Sergey Beryozkin

Talend Community Coders

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