Looks like it is impossible to  validate dateTime parameters using JSR303

When we have xsd validation, it contains type info (xsd:dateTime), and date
without time part issues schema validation error.
But in case bean with param of type java.util.Date, there is no such
information, this is result of string to date conversion.

Looks like only way is to do format validation in xml adapter attached to
 <xjc:javaType name="java.util.Date" xmlType="xsd:dateTime"
adapter="com.package.DateTimeXmlAdapter" />

2016-08-26 14:38 GMT+04:00 Vjacheslav V. Borisov <slav...@gmail.com>:

> 2016-08-26 13:41 GMT+04:00 J. Fiala <mod...@fwd.at>:
>> No, it works with and without namespace :).
>> Thx so I better stay with JacksonProvider with manual BeanValidation for
>> now until wadljava+@Valid or do you actually recommend using
>> MoxyJsonProvider in favor of JacksonProvider (cxf-docs about
>> MoxyJsonProvider seems to be scarce for now...)?
> I am using xsd validation for JSON
> but it think xsd validation  for json with it's strict xsd:element order
> in xsd:sequence  is not very comfortable
> and it also requires special settings, like includeRoot, attributePrefix,
> namespace prefixes
> it is not usable with regular json
> {
>   "prop":"value"
> }
> So I want to try JSR-303

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