
this thing is a real problem and I need it to bring to work...
I need to consume a third party web service (implemented in .NET hosted by IIS) using ws-policy/ws-security. Basically the client works and I can successfully call some methods. But for one method the call fails with "An error occurred when verifying security for the message". If I call the same method with a .NET Test-Client generated from the same WSDL the call succeeds so this must something related to CXF. A special requirement for this method is that it needs a special Header which needs to be encrypted and signed. The other methods does not require this header so I think its related to that. I'm able to add the header and the outgoing message seems to contain this header encrypted and signed as required. However, the remote server refuse the message.

The developer of the service is currently no real help. The only information I get until now is "there is no error message in the logs". Great, that helps much...

I'm able to provide any kind of information which should be helpful. The full WSDL, the message before and after encryption from both the .NET and CXF-Client. But because this is quite a lot of text I don't know if I should add them here (embedded as text or as attachments), or if its better to upload them anywhere.

I hope someone is able to bring some light in this...

Thanks and regards

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