I implemented a business service (transfer service) based on the cxf
framework and spring boot. A user has to send to the business service a saml
token, which is issued by the STS. The business service redirects the
request via a security policy to the STS, which authenticates the user via
I test the business service and STS with the following client example:


This example involves a SSO test for the business service and the STS.
Everything worked fine but I have two questions, which I do not understand.

1) The issued SAML token is only valid for the transfer service if the token
is first issued for the transfer service, isn’t it? If I have a second
service (for example change user address service), this issued SAML token
for the transfer service is not valid for the “change user address service”. 
Therefore, I think SSO is only valid for one service address if I use only
one STS. 
Is there a possibility to establish SSO for various service addresses, which
I am trust?

2) I implemented only an issue and validate operation for the STS and test
the SSO with the following client code example:

STSClient sts = new STSClient(bus);
Map<String,Object> prop = new HashMap<String, Object>();
prop.put("security.sts.token.username", "myclientkey");
prop.put("security.sts.token.properties", "clientKeystore.properties");
prop.put("security.sts.usecert", true);
((BindingProvider) proxy).getRequestContext().put("ws-security.username",
((BindingProvider) proxy).getRequestContext().put("ws-security.password",
((BindingProvider) proxy).getRequestContext().put("ws-security.sts.client",

for(int i=1;i<5;i++){
        System.out.println("\n" + new Date());

After a request I wait until 15 minutes and send then a new request. A token
is standard 30 minutes valid. After sending the second request, the STS
throw an exception because no renew operation is found. This is the
behaviour, which I am expected. However, after the exception the STS
authenticate the user again via a callback handler, which I do not
understand. How is this possible because I remove the username and password? 
Maybe CXF stores elsewhere the username and password? 

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