
I'm looking to integrate with an existing webservice that uses attachments
for its handling of binary content.  I've enabled mtom on my client.  I've
tested the service using SoapUI and I can see that it properly handles the
attachment when using the attachment option in SoapUI.

When I try to replicate this request in CXF, it fails.  But I notice the
call CXF makes is vastly different than the one I see in SoapUI.  For
instance, CXF adds the attachment object as an element in the SOAP call,
but SoapUI does not.

The WSDL has 2 parts to it, one with the request xml and a second wsdl:part
with name attachment and type xs:base64Binary.  I can see the mime related
parts for the attachment object being set to application/octet-stream.

I'm wondering if there's something special I have to do to enable this
service to work from the client perspective?



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