
Thanks Dan, he found a way to fix the issue.

The servlet constructor has been changed to:

    public MyServlet(MyRestApi restApi, DestinationRegistry
destinationRegistry, Bus bus) {
        super(destinationRegistry, false);
        this.restApi = restApi;

and the bean registering the servlet has been changed to:

        MyRestApi restApi = new MyRestApi();

        Map<Class<?>, Object> extensions = new HashMap<>();
        DestinationRegistry destinationRegistry = new
        HTTPTransportFactory httpTransportFactory = new
        extensions.put(HTTPTransportFactory.class, httpTransportFactory);
        extensions.put(DestinationRegistry.class, destinationRegistry);
        Bus bus = new ExtensionManagerBus(extensions, null,
destinationFactoryManager =
        for (String url : HTTPTransportFactory.DEFAULT_NAMESPACES) {

        MyServlet restServlet = new MyServlet(restApi,
destinationRegistry, bus);

Thanks to that, I'm able to register several servlets each "isolated"
with JAXRS Server.

I think there are couple of bugs in CXF here. For instance, the
setExtension(null, HTTPTransportFactory.class) to remove the default one
should work, but the default is still in there.
I will propose a PR to improve this.


On 15/10/2019 07:44, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote:
> Hi,
> I have extended CXFNonSpringServlet two times:
> public class MyServlet1 extends CXFNonSpringServlet {
>   @Override
>   public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
>     super.init(config);
>     JAXRSServerFactoryBean bean = new JAXRSServerFactoryBean();
>     bean.setAddress("/");
>     bean.setBus(getBus());
>     bean.setProvider(new JacksonJsonProvider());
>     bean.setServiceBean(new MyApi());
>     bean.create();
>   }
> }
> same with MyServlet2.
> MyServlet1 has /myservlet1 as alias, MyServlet2 has /myservlet2.
> Note that I would like to use "/" for JAXRS server address as it's based
> directly on the servlet alias (context).
> When I start the first servlet (let say MyServlet1), it's OK. However
> when I start the second one (let say MyServlet2, but the same happens if
> I start MyServlet2 first and MyServlet1), it fails with:
> Caused by: org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionException:
> There is an endpoint already running on /.
>         at
> org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSBindingFactory.addListener(JAXRSBindingFactory.java:86)
> ~[?:?]
>         at org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ServerImpl.start(ServerImpl.java:128)
> ~[?:?]
>         at
> org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSServerFactoryBean.create(JAXRSServerFactoryBean.java:209)
> ~[?:?]
> So, even if I use two different servlets, it seems CXF has a shared
> resource somewhere.
> Obviously if I have different address for JAXRS server it works, but
> it's not that I want as I'm using two different servlets.
> I tried:
> - to create a bus dedicated in each servlet
> - to create a destination registry in each servlet
> but it doesn't help.
> So, basically, my question is: is there a way to have completely
> isolated CXFNonSpringServlet ?
> I gonna dig into CXF code today but if you already have some ideas, it
> would be great.
> Thanks !
> Regards
> JB

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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